Sustainable production

Within our production, we aim to avoid waste from the moment the milk from the farm reaches our processing.

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Within our production, we aim to avoid waste from the moment the milk reaches our processing from the farm. For example, our milk undergoes UHT treatment as soon as possible, killing all naturally occurring bacteria and giving it a long shelf life. The resealable cap allows the product to be used more often after opening. This also reduces the risk of wastage by consumers. In addition, the UHT treatment allows our products to have a long shelf life outside the refrigerator. As a result, no energy is needed to cool the products in storage. So we reduce the use of energy.

Own wastewater treatment

Globemilk has its own wastewater treatment plant in which the wastewater is partially treated. Before the waste water enters it, every effort is made to prevent high-grade raw materials from ending up in it. The residual product that inevitably ends up in the wastewater is pre-purified on our site by aerobic purification. After this purification stop, the water is offered to the water board for further processing into clean drinking water.

Have you seen the solar panels on Globemilk’s roof yet? We use them to generate green energy! This way, we strive for affordable and sustainable energy.

To reduce litter and improve recyclability, we are converting our caps to tethered caps. These are caps that are attached to the pack. Caps are thus less likely to end up in nature and are collected via the packaging waste bag to be made valuable again as a new raw material in recycling.

Some of our packaging is made of Bio Based material. This packaging is made from renewable raw materials such as sugar cane, maize, jute or cotton.

We support SDG 6

Clean water and sanitation, by reducing litter with the introduction of tethered caps.

We support SDG 7

Affordable and sustainable energy, by using green energy.

We support SDG 12

Responsible consumption and production, by using sustainable packaging with renewable resources and we aim to avoid waste from the moment the milk reaches our factory.