Sustainable dairy farming

At Globemilk, we believe not only in sustainable production and dairy farming but also in social sustainability!

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At Globemilk, different streams of milk are processed. From meadow milk to organic milk, from on the way to planet proof to A2 milk. More and more, animal-friendliness and emissions are included in the choices for which milk flows are selected together with our customers. The certifications for being allowed to process these flows are checked every year by external experts. This also applies to the certifications for the Fair Trade and Rainforest Alliance labels.

Hallmarks and certifications

Among other things, we are certified for the independent hallmark On the way to PlanetProof. This proves that a purchased product is produced more sustainably and is therefore a better choice for nature, climate and animals. With the hallmark, we work together with various farmers and other companies towards production that is in balance with the carrying capacity of our planet. We are taking further steps towards placing less of a burden on the earth and making it more sustainable, step by step, together with the entire sector.

We source several ingredients under the fairtrade or rainforest alliance labels. Products with these labels have better conditions for the suppliers, such as cocoa or coffee farmers. These certificates also indicate that efforts are being made to improve the living and working conditions of these farmers and to protect the environment.

This way of doing business and working on sustainability requires a good partnership with our farmers in the Netherlands, but also abroad.

We support SDG 1

No poverty because we buy products with labels that guarantee fair trade. Fair Trade.

We support SDG 7

Affordable and sustainable energy by producing more sustainably across the chain. Green energy.

We support SDG 10

Reduce inequality in and between countries by buying products with quality marks that promote fair wages, safe working conditions and gender equality. By also making Dutch high-quality milk available to third countries.

We support SDG 12

Responsible consumption and production by using milk streams that are good for biodiversity.

We support SDG 15

Living on the land by using a variety of sustainable milk streams. With diversity in milk streams, we encourage biodiversity.

We support SDG 17

Partnership to achieve the goals, by maintaining good cooperation with our partners. The Globemilk family business stands for long-term partnerships.